Error building project: "You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components"

Something weird is happening, I have this in my circleci.yml:

   - ( sleep 5 && while [ 1 ]; do sleep 1; echo y; done ) | android update sdk --no-ui --all --filter “android-26,build-tools-25.0.3,platform-tools,extra-google-m2repository,extra-android-m2repository,extra-android-support,extra-google-google_play_services”

It works when I build on my master branch. I created a branch on my desktop ( from the master) and i got an error, saying “You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components:
[Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2, Android SDK Platform 27].”

I tried changing the android-25 to android-27 and android-build-tools-26.0.2 but it all seems to fail when I do that.

Why would my 2 branch be different, could that be because of the version of android studio I’m using on the different machines?