Is there a setting or technique for disabling github statuses per-workflow or per-job? We have some builds that are for deployment to test environments and would like to not have these show up in github, especially when they fail (which is usually unrelated to the code).
I do not know about github by when using Bitbucket there is a setting under
Project Settings
Bitbucket Status Updates
This is described as “Report the status of every pushed commit to Bitbucket’s status API. Updates reported per job.” So it would be worth looking to see if there is the same option when github is used.
I am looking for the same solution. We have a workflow triggered weekly and this is expected fail but we don’t want it to be shown FAILED on commit statuses.
The closest I was able to get has been to use the Github’s Commit Statuses REST API to manually override the workflow’s status: Commit statuses - GitHub Docs
An explainer:
Solving GitHub Status stuck on Pending with CircleCI’s Approvals - Federico Terzi - A Software Engineering Journey