Did CircleCI change how GitHub Checks are reported from "jobs" to "workflows"?

Hi :wave:

At fastlane, we used to have individual checks, one for each job, like this:

✅ ci/circleci: Execute tests on Ubuntu — Your tests passed on CircleCI!                            Details
✅ ci/circleci: Execute tests on macOS (Xcode 13.0.0, Ruby 3.1) — Your tests passed on CircleCI!    Details
✅ ci/circleci: Lint source code — Your tests passed on CircleCI!                                   Details
✅ ci/circleci: Modules load up tests — Your tests passed on CircleCI!                              Details
✅ ci/circleci: Validate Documentation — Your tests passed on CircleCI!                             Details
✅ ci/circleci: Validate Fastlane.swift generation — Your tests passed on CircleCI!                 Details

AFAIK nothing changed on our end, but not CircleCI checks are just a single check, like this:

✅ Run Tests & Checks Successful in 16m - Workflow: Run Tests & Checks         Details

Any clue why is that? Can we revert to the previous style?

Thanks in advance! Let me know if I’m posting this in the wrong place, I’m new here :bowing_man:

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I mean now, not not. Typo. I couldn’t find where I could edit my message haha

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Hi @rogerluan,

I suspect you enabled the “GitHub Checks” feature. (workflow-level status checks)

Doing so automatically disables the “GitHub Status Updates” feature (job-level status checks).

If you still want the job-level statuses, you’ll need to re-enable the feature in the project(s) settings (under “Advanced Settings”).

Let me know if this helps.