Default Docker Version for Remote Docker Jobs Changing on September 6

On September 6, the default version of Docker for jobs that use setup_remote_docker will be changing from 17.09.0-ce to 20.10.17.

The vast majority of users should see no impact. If you experience issues, the 17.09.0-ce version will not be going away at this time and can be specified within your config file. If changing your config file to explicitly set the 17.09.0-ce version is problematic, you may submit a Support ticket.

In an effort to keep users as current as possible, starting September 6, the default remote docker version will no longer be static, but will be updated on a rolling basis.

We’ve updated the date that this change takes place to be September 6 as September 5 is a holiday in the United States. The post above reflects that change.

hi folks, just following up on Sebastian’s sharing above! :nerd_face:

This change in default Docker version is regarding the Remote Docker.

This applies to your job if your job is using Docker executor + Remote Docker;
This will not impact your job if it uses Machine executor.

For context, in your Docker executor + Remote Docker job:

  • docker commands (e.g., docker image build ...) are “sent” (requested) from your Docker executor
  • these commands are fulfilled by the Docker daemon running within the Remote machine (hence, “Remote Docker”)

You can see the Docker CLI is on v20.10.17 for our latest cimg/base:current Convenience Image.

$ docker run --rm cimg/base:current docker version --format '{{.Client.Version}}'


Your Docker executor job may be using a custom Docker image.
In this case, it may come with a different Docker version.

As Sebastian mentioned, this should not impact most users, since Docker strive to ensure backwards compatibility in general.

If needed, you can always specify the Remote Docker’s Docker version.
This may be something you want to do if you prefer the Docker CLI (on Docker executor’s image) and the Remote Docker daemon to be on the same major version.