I have integrated CircleCI into my app such that every branch that is pushed to Github gets tests run against it and can only be merged with master if all tests pass. It is working as expected but I observed some peculiar behaviour on viewing the steps on https://app.circleci.com/.
Given below are the relevant images and my configuration file demonstrating the issue.
Thanks for the help!
Container step shows ‘Build was cancelled’ and is a missing the green checkmark although all tests run and pass
And one more thing.
Every time I ran command as “Background Job” (by giving background option “true”) and it also shows gray mark at the step when entire workflow ends.
And maybe this kind of problems are caused by this.
Background process goes on till the entire workflow ends and shows green at the end because that background process is down not by itself but by the system.
The entire workflow shows green, but that background step exited when the workflow ends shows a gray mark.
I already tried to kill this background process before the end of workflow, but when it makes another problem.
It shows red flag because that background job received “SIGTERM”.
I’m not sure what’s going on here. Can you please contact support about this issue, and include links to your workflows? I’m sure they’ll be able to help.