How to change gray mark to green check mark of back-ground job?

Hi community, I’d like to know how can I make may gray icon to green check?
Please check my workflow.

As you can see, I have two background jobs.

  • Launch emulator
  • Start Logging of android emulator

And these two background jobs ends at the end of the machine(=executor).
I think that’s the reason why it shows gray color icon with message “Build was canceled” because these background processes are stopped by other master process when machine goes down.

So I tried to kill this background processes before workflow is done,
it shows a red icon with the message “Received “terminated” signal”.

I can also see that the official circle ci android proejct also shows gray mark at background step “Start emulator”.

Is there any graceful way to make all things green check?

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Hi @denver.lee,

The behaviour you’re describing is indeed the expected one for a step with the background: true attribute.

You could try chaining the command with true:

emulator -avd test -delay-adb -verbose -no-window -gpu swiftshader_indirect -no-snapshot -noaudio -no-boot-anim && true

Let me know if the above suggestion helps.