I would like to store the result of running “npx lcov-total coverage/lcov.info” as an artifact to then compare it with the next execution of the pipeline, and if this is a lower value than the previous one it should fail.
I would like to know how to store that value and call it to the new pipeline execution.
If I got it right, you want to persist this value between workflow runs, am I right?
Off the top of my head, I think you could use cache here. Store the value in a file, cache it, and then restore the cache in the next workflow. I imagine the config looking something like
executor: node/default
- checkout
- save_cache:
- ~/project/node_modules
key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }}
- node/install-packages:
cache-path: ~/project/node_modules
app-dir: ~/project/
- run: npm run test
- run: npm run ci-coverage
- restore_cache:
key: v1-result-cache # adjust the key to your needs
# move cached file to a different location so its not overridden.
# First run won't have the file to move, ignore the error
- run: mv /tmp/result /tmp/result-moved || true
- run: npx lcov-total coverage/lcov.info > /tmp/result
- run: compare values between /tmp/result and /tmp/result-moved, throw error if they don't match
- save_cache:
- /tmp/result
key: v1-result-cache # adjust the key to your needs
- build_and_test