Cocoapods stop working

Yesterday everything was fine and running as expected but today, installing Cocoapods when I run CircleCI fails. I haven’t touched the podfile or updated my version of Cocoapods.
The error says: "ArgumentError - wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 1…2)"
I updated my Ruby version but that didn’t fixed the issue.

This is the stack I am using:

## Stack
   CocoaPods : 1.2.1
        Ruby : ruby 2.3.4p301 (2017-03-30 revision 58214) [x86_64-darwin16]
    RubyGems : 2.6.12
        Host : Mac OS X 10.12.3 (16D32)
       Xcode : 8.3.1 (8E1000a)
         Git : git version 2.11.0 (Apple Git-81)
Ruby lib dir : /Users/distiller/.rubies/ruby-2.3.4/lib
Repositories : master - @ 375a22b9aee26dc14ac68f2b79a0b7714123a6f4

Any idea? Thank you