CircleCI for AI - Feature & Content Summary

Hello dear community,

Following a series of content and feature releases in the past few weeks I wanted to recap everything available for teams building AI-enabled applications.

Sagemaker Integration
The new Amazon SageMaker integration enables CircleCI users to orchestrate model deployment to SageMaker and to track and manage their deployments through The Releases section of the CircleCI platform.

Inbound webhooks
You can now trigger your CI pipeline on every model or dataset update thanks to our new Inbound Webhooks. Check our changelog

NB: Inbound webhooks are currently only available to users authenticated through our GitHub App integration.


  1. Leverage the power of Scaleway’s Dedicated AI and GPU compute
    Blog post - CircleCI Runner on top of Scaleway’s Dedicated AI and GPU compute
  2. Linux CUDA images includes AI/ML-specific software
  3. New NVIDIA Tesla GPU available on our Scale plan

Learn how to evaluate LLM-powered apps in your CI pipeline

Want to learn more?

Our product team is actively looking for engineers building AI-enabled applications to discuss our next roadmap choices. If you are interested in taking part in the future of CircleCI, please book a 30-minute slot with our AI team.

To better building,