Checkout command with local CLI should be faster or ignore files chosen by user


I have files:

358M	./node_modules
 16K	./ansible
 12K	./public
8.1M	./build
5.3M	./.git
4.0K	./.circleci
 44K	./.idea
9.4M	./src
382M	.

This step takes ages (~5 minutes!) on my super fancy mac (I know this is a problem occurs, because how virtualization is done on mac).

====>> Checkout code
  #!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
mkdir -p /home/circleci/repo && cp -r /tmp/_circleci_local_build_repo/. /home/circleci/repo

I’m requesting for the same feature as here:

Without this feature, there is no point of setup: mac + circleci cli + node

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