Checkout Code Slow

Ever since last week when there were a lot of outages, I’ve noticed my checkout code time going from 8 seconds to 3 minutes. Any insights as to what’s going on?


Hi Ricky,

It’s something we’ve been tracking, but finding it hard to track down the cause (or even if it’s in our control)

I’ve added your project to our tracker but if you want to open a ticket with the build urls to make sure I found the correct one and let me know the ticket number we can provides updates that way as well.

Is there any update on this issue? I sent an issue into support and received no reply and this post hasn’t been updated in a week and a half. We have straight git clone commands that are taking 2-3 minutes. Why would this be slow?

It looks like they’ve resolved the issue on my end. I also ended up wrapping the checkout code within a cache block.

Sorry for the radio silence here. This is very much still being investigated. It’s been escalated and we are having trouble detecting the cause is it’s a random pattern.

We are working to get this resolved as soon as we figure out why it’s happening.

Hey there, just wanted to add that we’re experiencing this too. Our code checkouts were typically completing in 8-12 seconds but recently it can be anything between 8 sec to 5 or 6 minutes with the git clone (from github) ranging from 80meg/sec to as slow as 200k/sec sometimes.

Definitely still an issue. We are using version: 0.1.16535+5010eb7 (homebrew)