We have recently merged into a branch that should be kicking off a build, but the last build was 5 days ago. If you have access to our account, the branch is x-pipeline and you should be able to find the details from that.
I’m about to manually kick off a build, but this is a serious issue because that is our release branch. How should I be debugging this - for example? There are no errors …
Same problem here. Branch isn’t kicking off a build.
GitHub was not sending us Webhooks (that they are calling notifications)
We are monitoring.
How can I trigger a manual build of that workflow in the meantime? Do I have to curl something? Hopefully I can do it from the web interface …
The Trigger a new Build by Project (preview)
API endpoint should allow you to kick off the workflow
Ok thanks Joe
You said 5 days, so your issue may be different. Let me know if that don’t work and I can take a look.
That was the last time we released, before this morning. Safe to say it’s the same issue - thanks.
In other words, that was the last merge into the branch. So no builds would have been expected between then and the merge from an hour ago
Got it, thanks for clarifying
A useful script to manually trigger builds on arbitrary projects / branches as a workaround:
#!/bin/bash -e
# Usage:
# 2. run `./trigger-build <account> <oroject> [<branch>]`
# For https://github.com/iambob/myfirstproject:
# trigger_build iambob myfirstproject
# ... will build master
_account=$1 # e.g. github user name or organization name
_project=$2 # e.g. my_repo_name
_branch=${3:-"master"} #optional, defaults to master.
echo "Triggering build of $_project ($_branch)."
post_data="{ \"branch\": \"${_branch}\"}"
curl -s \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "${post_data}" \
-request POST "${trigger_build_url}"
Thank you for sharing!