I’m having some issues to run my build without any change in my configuration:
My configuration is using the image circleci/android:api-26-alpha
And now I’m getting this error:
“/bin/circle-android: Permission denied”
Using this image circleci/android:api-26-alpha@sha256:f6f9aff7963a62461eabb6c91b5b4a220f1806a666254ec02c3c77d442ef118f
the build is running fine, and the permissions of that file are rwxr-xr-x root root
, which is fine because the circleci user can run it.
However, if I use the latest image circleci/android@sha256:aa1c13aa47b2d43b759bd46286f45d026ac2081d5a508745cb2fab520e13f144
I cannot use that script. The permissions of it are rw------- root root
, so the circle ci user cannot execute it.
Why did you change it?