Add freenode channel notification

The configuration for IRC notifications requires:

channel: mezuro
private keyword:

Looks like the last three does not apply to our case (a public channel on a free network). We’ve also tried the hostname on port 8000 with no success either.

Are we missing something out? Thanks!

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@akerl didn’t you have a similar issue a while back? Were you able to get this to work?


We have a similar issue: circle-ci bot sometimes appear on our freenode irc channel, sometimes does not.

It could be absent for months, then reappear.

Its presence can be seen in our channel logs: circlecibot 2017 - Google Search

Testing the notification hook fails with following message:

Error: We got an error (504 - GATEWAY_TIMEOUT) while talking to /api/v1.1/project/github/navit-gps/navit/hooks/irc/test. If we can help, contact us.


We recently setup circleci for one of our projects; and we have issues with IRC notifications…

Trying to test from the configuration (very similar to @rafamanzo one) give us the same error message as @mdankov, and we’ve never been able to get any IRC notification right now (just a message telling the channel cannot be join is displayed; no extra info).

Are there any flags that must be set on the channel? Any hints?

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Same error for me. It hasn’t been working in 2 years. Any update?

Same issue for me.

Presumably there is a Linux binary that could do this in a simple manner - if the CircleCI approach does not easily work, use an alternative?

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