Xcode 9.3 Beta 4 Release for CircleCI 2.0

We have released the Xcode 9.3 Beta 4 image on CircleCI 2.0. Please add the following to your .circleci/config.yml to select that version of Xcode in your jobs:

  xcode: "9.3.0"

The notable changes in the image compared to the previous one:

  • Upgraded OS to macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 (17D102).
  • Increased free disk space from 24G to 32G.
  • Xcode 9.3 Beta 4 (build 9Q127n)
  • iOS simulators have been updated to iOS 11.3 and watchOS to 4.3.
  • Added Ruby 2.5.0 (along with 2.3.6 and 2.4.3).

Other packages:

  • Node.js 9.8.0 (with Yarn 1.5.1)
  • Python 2.7.13 (pip 9.0.1)
  • Fastlane 2.85.0
  • CocoaPods 1.4.0
  • git 2.16.2 (with git-lfs 2.4.0)
  • Java 1.8.0 162

A full manifest of what is installed is available here.

If you are currently building macOS / iOS projects on CircleCI 1.0 and would like to try out CircleCI 2.0 for macOS, please check this document for instructions on migrating an iOS project to CircleCI 2.0.

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Awesome! Thanks just started using it, is there a chance that the next release could include the simulators for iOS 10 also?



Yes, please. We also run our tests on iOS 10, so we would really need it.

I have an issue with 9.3.0 xcode version. “You specified an unsupported Xcode version”

Is it with CircleCI 2.0 ? I’m using 9.3.0 with CircleCI 2.0 right now.

I use CircleCI 1.0

This post is strictly for CircleCI 2.0. If you want Xcode 9.3, you’ll need to switch to CircleCI 2.0.

@rohara Hi! Any update on when Xcode 9.3 stable will be supported?


By EOD Friday


@rohara Will Xcode 9.3 also have GIT LFS pre-installed? I’m getting messages in the beta about Git LFS not being installed.

GIT LFS is installed on the image - https://circle-macos-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/image-manifest/build-405/index.html - you should have git 2.16.3 (with git-lfs 2.4.0) - these are installed via homebrew.

What problems are you seeing?

We’ve released 9.3 today - Xcode 9.3 GM Release for CircleCI 2.0

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We’ve released 9.3 GM today with iOS 10.3.1 simulators additionally - Xcode 9.3 GM Release for CircleCI 2.0

We’ve added 10.3.1 to the 9.3 image, released just now :tada:

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