Hi guys,
After migrating to Xcode 8.3 we get a build error when executing test. We are using fastlane to execute the test with the following config:
- bundle exec fastlane test
The tests are executed successfully:
[13:17:15]: ▸ Test Succeeded
| Test Results |
| Number of tests | 152 |
| Number of failures | 0 |
However on fastlane test report generation step just after that we got an error:
[13:17:18]: ------------------------------
[13:17:18]: --- Collecting system logs ---
[13:17:18]: ------------------------------
[13:17:18]: $ xcrun simctl getenv 54458F91-1137-4EE5-A93F-E2735A06F48B SIMULATOR_SHARED_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY 2>/dev/null
[13:17:18]: $ xcrun simctl spawn 54458F91-1137-4EE5-A93F-E2735A06F48B log collect 2>/dev/null
[13:17:21]: unknown file type: /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/54458F91-1137-4EE5-A93F-E2735A06F48B/data/system_logs.logarchive/.
[13:17:21]: fastlane finished with errors
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Run `fastlane env` to append the fastlane environment to your issue
bundler: failed to load command: fastlane (/Users/distiller/.gem/ruby/2.3.4/bin/fastlane)
RuntimeError: [!] unknown file type: /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/54458F91-1137-4EE5-A93F-E2735A06F48B/data/system_logs.logarchive/.
/Users/distiller/.rubies/ruby-2.3.4/lib/ruby/2.3.0/fileutils.rb:1388:in `copy'
The following configuration was working with Xcode 8.2. When examining the build logs from Xcode 8.2 I see that the following two lines are missing:
[13:17:18]: $ xcrun simctl getenv 54458F91-1137-4EE5-A93F-E2735A06F48B SIMULATOR_SHARED_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY 2>/dev/null
[13:17:18]: $ xcrun simctl spawn 54458F91-1137-4EE5-A93F-E2735A06F48B log collect 2>/dev/null
I appears that fastlane cannot generate the test report because the input file are in /dev/null
So what is your advice on the topic? I don’t really want to disable the tests.