Xcode 14 Beta 6 Released

The Xcode 14 Beta 6 image has been released and can be selected as follows:

    xcode: 14.0.0

This image replaces Xcode 14 Beta 5

As per our image policy, this beta image is subject to change at any time. This image may also include breaking changes, particularly caused by Xcode updates from Apple.

This version of Xcode supports the following beta platforms:

  • macOS 13
  • iOS 16
  • watchOS 9
  • tvOS 16

:rotating_light: Changes and Known Issues :warning:

We will no longer be shipping Ruby 2.6 with Xcode 14 and higher. This version of Ruby is classified as EOL by the Ruby project and is no longer maintained. We will continue to ship Ruby 2.7, 3.0 and 3.1.

Since the Beta 4 images, we have made the following changes:

  • macOS 12.4 → macOS 12.5.1

  • We are now able to install previous iOS and watchOS versions. This image ships with iOS 15.5 and watchOS 8.5 runtimes. Due to space limitations caused by the increase in size for both Xcode and the runtimes, we are unable to ship prior tvOS versions at this time. We will continue to work on this.

VM Image Info

Xcode 14 Build version 14A5294g is installed at /Applications/Xcode-14.0.app

The full manifest of installed software can be found here

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Thanks for the fast delivery of Beta 6!
Probably hangs in Spin up environment step.
Is it related to this release?

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@TomoyaShibata You’re welcome! Do you mean it is taking a little while to obtain a VM for a job? If so this is fairly normal and can take up to 2-4 minutes if we don’t have any pre-booted VMs available - this is particularly the case for new image releases where the image is still propagating through our network. More info here:

Oops, sorry. I had never seen this page before.
When I tried to run it again, it timed out after 20 minutes with this message.

A dedicated VM is being created with xcode:14.0.0 image.
Waiting for VM allocation: …

Timed out preparing VM for this build. Please retry the build in a few minutes.

If the message is correct, it may be an infrastructure issue.
I will try again later.

@TomoyaShibata Please open a ticket with support and reference this discuss post, sounds like this might need further investigation from our infrastructure team. So far I have been unable to reproduce the issue myself. Thanks!

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Also seeing the waiting for VM assignment timing out on Xcode 14 Beta images.

@TomoyaShibata @paynerc This should now be resolved, our infrastructure team found a problem relating specifically to this image on gen 2 resource classes and have implemented a fix. Please email into support if you continue to see this problem occur

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