The Xcode 12 for macOS Universal Apps Beta 1 image has just been released and can be selected as follows:
xcode: 12.0.0-UA
Please Note: This image is still propagating, so you may see slower spin up times over the next 24 hours.
Major Software Changes from 11.x series
We will no longer be shipping Python 2 in our images due to it hitting EOL status and causing issues during installation as it is no longer maintained by Homebrew. If you require Python 2, we would suggest moving to a previous Xcode image, or creating your own tap for the Python 2 package.
We have bumped OpenJDK to version 11 (LTS) from OpenJDK 8 due to the latter being deprecated.
Image Info
Xcode 12.0 Build version 12A8158a is installed at /Applications/
The following runtimes are installed:
- iOS 13.5
- iOS 14.0
- tvOS 13.4
- watchOS 6.2
Note: tvOS 14 and watchOS 7 are not available in Xcode 12 for macOS Universal Apps Beta 1.
The full manifest of installed software can be found here.