I have a failing Circleci build https://circleci.com/gh/rakeshgirase/CloudBuild/48 because of Android_Home is not set. I went through most of the blogs which talks about setting ANDROID_HOME as /usr/local/android-sdk-linux. I too have set it as /usr/local/android-sdk-linux but that doesnt exist when I run the build and you can see the result of the comman "ls -lrt /usr/local/ ". I am new to circleci. Can someone please guide me what to do for this? I need android sdk, node and jdk all together as I am running this build for Nativescript application.
Please add your config.yml here using the formatting tools available, so readers can see what you have so far? There’s some volunteers (fellow users) here, and they won’t do it for you, but they will make suggestions based on your current state.
(Don’t forget you can install things yourself, using apt-get, apk etc).
Thank you for your reply @halfer. The format seems ok as CircleCi is able to parse the file correctly and run the job but not sure why it is not able to find android_home even when I have included a docker image. I have again formatted the yaml file so that it looks better:)