Circleci/android:api-25-ndk ANDROID_NDK_HOME set wrong

the latest build of circleci/android:api-25-ndk comes with the environment var ANDROID_NDK_HOME set to “/opt/android/android-ndk-r17b”. This is an issue as the container now runs r20 and the folder /opt/android/android-ndk-r20 exists and the /opt/android/android-ndk-r17b is gone but the NDK_HOME var still points to the r17b folder.

I found this because our build broke when checking that ANDOIRD_NDK_HOME is a folder with files.

and now it’s fixed. It’s funny circleci images are cached and I didn’t get the latest image even though it was updated 21 hours ago. If your updating your own circleci images why are you not also forcing a cache update so we are pulling the latest containers? From within CircleCI?