V2 API cannot be accessed with project api token

This is related to (write operations not working):

However, even read-only operations are not working.
I created a Project API token (scope: all), and when I try to access a pipeline via

curl "https://circleci.com/api/v2/project/${PROJECT_SLUG}/pipeline/1092?circle-token=${CIRCLE_TOKEN}"

I get this response:

  "message" : "Pipeline not found"

Changing CIRCLE_TOKEN to my personal token and leaving everything else unchanged, the request works.

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:wave: Hello @Pasukaru,

Project-specific tokens are currently not supported on API v2, hence the situation you’re describing.

As you already found out, the workaround is to use personal API tokens.

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Hello there! Is there a possible timeline when this support will be added?

Muy bad. Very sad

@yannCI I do not want to use tokens with wide permissions. How do I access the API while limiting the consequences of a compromised token?

This is a huge limitation for v2 API. Countless orbs use this API and require you to provide a PAT…if the person whose token is used leaves the organization, do those jobs just start failing?

It’s been three years since this issue was brought up so it clearly hasn’t been a priority, but I’d like to suggest that it should be :slight_smile: