Using custom docker setups with Orbs

Per this discussion:

and this GH issue

I’ve got a setup for running my app, a Ruby on Rails app:

  1. Docker container for Postgres
  2. Docker container for Ruby + Node version + Yarn version
  3. Cached dependencies saved from prior build steps including the global ~/.cache

How do I start the server that Cypress will hit if the server depends on these dependencies? There doesn’t seem to be a way to leverage the caches and docker containers that I’ve set up.

Is using an Orb correct for my use case?

Or should I fork the orb?

Can I modify a docker setup and use my own docker image?

Here’s a rough idea of what I want to do without orbs:

  - &restore-global-cache
    name: Restore global cache
    key: ruby-2.5.3--node-10.11.0--yarn-1.13.0--v1--global-cache-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}-{{ checksum "client/yarn.lock" }}

defaults: &defaults
    RAILS_ENV: test
    RACK_ENV: test
    NODE_ENV: test

rspec-defaults: &rspec-defaults
  <<: *defaults
    - image: &docker_image shakacode/hawaiichee-ci:ruby-2.5.3--node-10.11.0--yarn-1.13.0
        PGHOST: localhost
        PGUSER: blah
        DATABASE_URL: postgres://blah@localhost:5432/blah_test
        DISABLE_SPRING: true
    - image: circleci/postgres:9.6.2-alpine
        POSTGRES_USER: blah
        POSTGRES_DB: blah

    <<: *rspec-defaults
    parallelism: 4
      - checkout
      - restore_cache: *restore-gem-cache
      - restore_cache: *restore-webpack-bundles-cache
      - restore_cache: *restore-global-cache
      - run: *run-yarn
      - run: *install-ruby-gems
      - run: *wait-for-postgres-container
      - run: *make-rspec-dir
      - run: bundle exec rake db:setup
      - run:
          name: Run tests
            CODECOV_FLAG: backend
          command: |
            bin/rspec --profile 10 \
                      --format RspecJunitFormatter \
                      --out ~/rspec/rspec.xml \
                      --format progress \
                      $(circleci tests glob "spec/**/*_spec.rb" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings)
      - store_test_results:
          path: ~/rspec
      - store_artifacts:
          path: ~/rspec
      - store_artifacts:
          path: tmp/capybara
      - store_artifacts:
          path: tmp/screenshots
      - store_artifacts:
          path: log/test.log
      - store_artifacts:
          path: tmp/rspec_retry.csv

   <<: *rspec-defaults
    - image: &docker_image shakacode/hawaiichee-ci:ruby-2.5.3--node-10.11.0--yarn-1.13.0
        PGHOST: localhost
        PGUSER: blah
        DATABASE_URL: postgres://blah@localhost:5432/blah_test
        DISABLE_SPRING: true
    - image: circleci/postgres:9.6.2-alpine
        POSTGRES_USER: blah
        POSTGRES_DB: blah
      - image: cypress/base
   parallelism: 4
     - checkout
     - restore_cache: *restore-global-cache
     - run: *run-yarn
     - restore_cache: *restore-gem-cache
     - restore_cache: *restore-webpack-bundles-cache
     - run: *install-ruby-gems
     - run: *wait-for-postgres-container
     - run: bundle exec rake db:setup
     - run: yarn
     - run: yarn cypress install

The last task is the one I need help…I know what’s documented for the orbs, but if I don’t want to use the orbs, what’s the way to set this up?

This is sort of what I wanted to do with an orb setup. Of course, I can’t change the docker container, etc. with the orbs, so this doesn’t work.

      - cypress/run:
          <<: *rspec-defaults
            - restore_cache: *restore-gem-cache
            - restore_cache: *restore-webpack-bundles-cache
            - restore_cache: *restore-global-cache
            - run: *run-yarn
            - run: *install-ruby-gems
            - run: *wait-for-postgres-container
            - run: *make-rspec-dir
            - run: bundle exec rake db:setup
          start: RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rails server -p 3000
          wait-on: 'http://localhost:3000'
              ignore: master
            - cypress/install
            - install-ruby-gems
            - install-node-packages
            - build-webpack-rspec-bundles
          parallel: true
          parallelism: 3
          group: 3 machines

@justin808 I’m not fully familiar with the orb, but if you could accomplish what you’re trying to do by essentially running one of the Cypress orb’s jobs, but with different Docker images, then can you just manually run the commands that comprise that job, allowing you to specify your own executor setup?

Or else,

It’s open-source, so I think you should definitely feel free to fork the repo and create your own orb :slightly_smiling_face:

Or, you could write your own orb from scratch and simply import the Cypress orb into it, so you can make use of all its existing commands/jobs, but do what you like with them and build around them.