Unable to trigger job using API

I want to trigger a job using API.
I have a config.yml that starts with “version: 2.1”.

I got an error:

* Configuration version 2.1 requires the "Enable Pipelines" project setting. Enable pipelines under Project Settings -> Advanced Settings. In order to retrigger pipelines, you must push a new commit.
* Cannot find a job named `deploy` to run in the `jobs:` section of your configuration file.

Although pipeline is enabled and there is a job named deploy.
I found in the documentation that the problem might be that there is “version: 2.1” at the top of the file: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/api-job-trigger/

So I changed it to “version: 2.0” (tried also “version: 2”), removed the version 2.1 parts and I still got an error:

# Unsupported or missing workflows config version

Did somebody encounter one of those problems before?

Hello @nirLumigo! It’s likely that you have a version defined under workflows - removing that should allow builds to continue normally :slight_smile:

No, the only place with version is at the top of the file.

Hi @nirLumigo, is it possible for you to share the config, or url to the project, so we could take a look?