I’m excited to share that we now have a beta version of Ubuntu 22.04 available for testing. These new testing images are currently available for Linux VMs( the machine executor) and for the cimg/base Convenience Image.
Note: These images are in beta. They should not be used for production use. They will include backwards incompatible changes as we improve these beta images with customer feedback and upstream changes over the course of the next month.
How To Test Ubuntu 22.04
These new beta images can be used by the image name ubuntu-2204:edge or cimg/base:edge-22.04 depending on the executor. Please see the examples below for specifics.
available only for the amd64 architecture. An ARM image isn’t available yet but will be coming soon.
Keep Tabs here for Updates
This post will be continually updated throughout the beta process when new information and updates are available. Please bookmark in your browser, on Discourse, or somewhere else if you’re interested.
There was a mismatch issue with Ruby and RVM that is now resolved.
Several packages updated.
The next update will include Firefox as a `.deb. package, as it was in Ubuntu 20.04. In fact, we will literally be using that version of the package since Firefox is now a snap in 21.10 and 22.04.
If you are suffering from an error in calling apt-get, kindly specify remote docker version (or image name) explicitly. The blog post below reports this (in Japanese)