My production app is running on Ubuntu 16.04 and manual installation via SSH works fine (npm install, npm test etc).
However, a specific npm module (node-sass) just wont work on the the Docker image I’m using in the CircleCI config file. The image in question is circleci/node:chakracore-8.11.1. It will not install node-sass.
It seems all the CircleCI Node.js images are based on Debian where this specific package won’t install.
Are you aware of a Docker image I can use for my CircleCI build that is based on Ubuntu 16.04?
I want to avoid going through endless hours of configuration and pain. Any ideas?
Or perhaps just abandon node-sass and compile my CSS on my localhost and check it in to repo and omit it from the build step?
What is the problem with it? I should think that is a popular module that will install nearly anywhere that Node will run. If you have not yet done it, I suggest asking a question here or on Stack Overflow, to dig into why this is not working.
However, if you are determined to change your Docker image, you could build your own. I imagine you’d have to choose one that supports Node, and I don’t know what “chakracore” is, but perhaps it would have to support that too. I’ve had great success with Alpine images, and I know they support Node, so you could try that if you wish. However, this feels like a lot of work to get a small thing working, so I’d persist with installing node-sass first.