Building of Docker images based upon 8.0

So, I’ve got a hell of an issue.

Right now, 8.0 just went GM. And we’ve been waiting for this work weeks in my team. This means we’ve got all our internal tooling setup for 8.0.

This includes our images.

The rub is that when we go to build our image for production, the node container fails a the install stage. A far as we can trace it has something to do with a package building native extensions.

Any one got any insight?


Can you provide:

  • CircleCI version you are using
  • versions of any tools
  • any relevant Dockerfiles that you can share
  • as much of our config file as you’re willing to share
  • the exact error message/output you are getting
  • if it’s a public project, build URL, otherwise feel free to PM it to me


Circle CI Version 1.

Nothing beyond stock npm/node.

Sadly, I can’t share any of the images/configs.

Same here. Getting these errors on npm install:

npm ERR! Cannot read property 'write' of null
npm ERR! Cannot read property 'write' of null
npm ERR! Cannot read property 'write' of null
npm ERR! Cannot read property 'write' of null
npm ERR! Cannot read property 'write' of null

btw, I’m using CircleCI 2.0, node v8, npm 5. You can check the failures here:

Have either of you ran a build using npm@5 with “Rebuild without cache”? Any shrinkwrap files that you can delete before the build?

Yes. Ran it without cache. Same result. Ran it also with a custom image. Same result

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The repo above is opensource - so you can play with it and see it failing

I get this issue when updating npm to 5 regardless of the node version.

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Another thread on this. `npm install` error that isn’t reproducing in a local Docker container You can use Node 8 but you’ll need to use Yarn till Circle fixes the issue with NPM 5.