Type error for argument vcs_type

I am trying to write my first ORB using gitlab as my VCS but the pipeline fails with the following message:

Error calling workflow: 'lint-pack'
Error calling job: 'orb-tools/continue'
Type error for argument vcs_type: expected type: enum ("gh" "github" "bb" "bitbucket"), actual value: "circleci" (type string)

The vcs_type is declared as shown below:

vcs_type: << pipeline.project.type >>

Any pointers what I am doing wrong?

If you’re only using gitlab, does it work to set it explicitly to gitlab? Can you include a little more of the context of what you’re using it for or why you need it to be set in the orb?

Apparently if you are using Gitlab, the type is defined as circleci. But looks like the ORB doesn’t have that in the enum list. I also read that if Gitlab is the SCM then it uses Github App for authentication. I am not sure what that means.

The fix was to hard code the type to “Github”