It occurs to me that we don’t talk a lot here, except when we are asking questions. Maybe we would like that to change, maybe not. Either way, I haven’t said a lot about myself, and I want to change that.
Feel free to join in if you want. Where are you from, what do you like to do, what are your dreams? Doesn’t have to be work related.
Would love to get to know you folks more.
Hi! I’m Joe. I started working at CircleCI after I answered a bunch of questions here. I happily work remote from Western New York (not upstate!) and I love nature. Woods, green, running water.
I’m pretending to learn how to garden, but for as much as I like the outdoors I’m pretty addicted to the computer. Besides, there’s no sun and it’s been a dreary winter.
Dreams… I really like helping others, and helping others to do the same. I’m constantly starting coding projects that end up looking very nice with test results, code coverage, and generally do nothing. I play Minecraft and fish in World of Warcraft.
I like answering questions and need a prompt generator for life. Maybe I’ll go build one.
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