As of Feb 13, 2023, CircleCI has completed updating the underlying architecture for jobs that use setup_remote_docker for jobs that do not use Docker Layer Caching (DLC). See this post for details.
Starting Feb 17, 2023, CircleCI will begin a gradual upgrade to the underlying architecture for jobs that use setup_remote_docker AND DLC.
User impact:
- The new Remote Docker architecture generally results in faster job execution
- The new Remote Docker architecture is significantly simplified and improves the reliability and resiliency of the CircleCI platform
- The underlying implementation of DLC is also changing as part of this gradual upgrade
The new Remote Docker architecture no longer spins up a “remote” Docker engine, but instead runs all Docker commands locally. It will behave very similar to the “Linux VM ” execution environment.
Details on the new DLC implementation can be found in these two Discuss posts (1 & 2).
If you are seeing issues with jobs that use setup_remote_docker & DLC, please submit a support ticket at