Server overload?

While bringing a new iOS project up on CircleCI, I got through the signing issues that were causing the distribution stage to fail, then hit a stall during ‘teardown / collect test metadata’. I let the clock get to 11:30 before I hit cancel.

At the same time, I was unable to open the dashboard in another browser window, I was told ‘Server is overloaded, please try later’.

Is it just me, or does everyone see this kind of thing on occasion? Is there anything I can do to avoid it?

Thanks for reporting this and sorry for the service interruption. Our operations team were alerted to the issue the effects only lasted a few minutes.

We work hard to keep all systems reliable so this shouldn’t happen. Do let us know if you see a recurrence.

I’ve been seeing recurrent access issues nearly all day since the server overload issue this morning.

Sorry for the issues. We’re still investigating. Updates available here:

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