Self-hosted runner v3 Windows

I followed the guide to set up a self-hosted runner with the latest version (V3)

The exe doesn’t start and immediately returns this error

circleci-runner.exe: error: missing flags: --kube.task-pod-config=STRING

There are no references to this flag in the documentation.

This is a Windows 11 Pro with the latest updates.

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We are facing the same issue on W10 machines. Following this thread for updates.

@circleci-community , it would be very weird if the brownout goes through tomorrow and very bad for Aug 8th deadline without resolving this issue

@Gianmarco, try

circleci-runner.exe machine --config runner-agent-config.yaml

if that fails, you may want to move to WindowsServer as this seems to be a requirement at least to download the agent executable.

For us double escaping paths inside the machine-runner-config.yaml file like this : "C:\\Users\\some\\path" and launching the executable in this way: ./circleci-runner.exe machine --config machine-runner-config.yaml. Fixed the problem.

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