Self-hosted macOS machine runner stuck at password

I am new to circleci, thank you for your help in advance.

I am now trying to set up a pipeline for a Unity project with a self-hosted macOS machine runner.

This is my config.yml, I am using Unity Orb of Game-CI.

version: 2.1
  unity: game-ci/unity@1.3.0
      - unity/build:
          build-target: StandaloneOSX
          compress: true
          context: unity
            name: unity/macos-runner
            editor_version: 2021.3.8f1
            resource_class: leonctl12/leon-personal-local
          name: build-osx-il2cpp
          step-name: Build macOS IL2CPP
          unity-password-var-name: UNITY_PASSWORD
          unity-serial-var-name: UNITY_SERIAL
          unity-username-var-name: UNITY_USERNAME

Note that I have set the following environment variables properly: unity password, unity serial, unity username.

What is the expected behaviour:
It executes successfully and returns a build.

What happened (See attached Image):
Seems that it needs the password for my mac machine, it just got stuck and timeout.

Does anyone know how to provide the machine password or bypass it?