Connection timed out (macOS VMs)

We’ve been seeing relatively frequent failures of jobs that talk to public maven repos. Two examples:

Could not transfer artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.3 from/to central ( Connect to[] failed: Operation timed out (Connection timed out)
Could not find artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.3 in clojars (

Could not transfer artifact joda-time:joda-time:pom:2.8.2 from/to central ( Connect to[] failed: Operation timed out (Connection timed out)

In each case, the problem is a Connection Timed Out. The problems typically occur from macOS VMs. No problems from Linux VMs so far. Rebuilding usually fixes things.

Is this a known problem?

It could be networking related.

I’ve got a possible networking issue here, but I can’t say with complete certainty it is network related. It happens on OS updates in Docker (network related) and building an autoloader in Composer (may be network related, to either Packagist, Bitbucket or GitHub).

Either way, I am not getting network errors in the way you are - yours is clearly network-related. Also, mine is pretty infrequent.

CircleCI are looking into it, but I’m not yet sure they have enough build machine observability to see where it is getting stuck, so my current position is that I’ll live with it.