Rebuild without cache

Continuing the discussion from Why was Rebuild Without Cache button removed for workflows?

the button “rerun without cache” was also removed from the build page.

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Looks like the new way is to update the cache key in the config file (see Where is the Rebuild without cache button? - #2 by wrburgess)

Relevant support doc here:
Clear project dependency cache – CircleCI Support Center

It looks like we need to update the cache key by changing the name in our .circleci/config.yml which means a commit to the codebase to fix a cache problem in CircleCI. :frowning:

Except I don’t own the cache key. I’m using an orb that is setting the cache key so I don’t have access to manually bust it. This is infuriating.

Which ORB? ORBs are just text scripts so it should be possible to find any unique values that use by looking at the script.

The UX for CircieCI has been rapidly getting worse over the last few years. Any word on getting the rebuild without cache or a clear cache button?