using image: cimg/postgres:12.7
and installing client/contrib via:
- run:
name: Install Postgresql Client
command: sudo apt install postgresql-client postgresql-contrib
Locally (and in other environments) extensions are enabled without issue, however here I always get this error when running bundle exec rails db:test:prepare
psql:/home/circleci/project/db/structure.sql:16: ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/lib/postgresql/12/share/extension/pg_stat_statements.control": No such file or directory
rails aborted!
failed to execute:
psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -q -X -f /home/circleci/project/db/structure.sql cabal_test
Please check the output above for any errors and make sure that `psql` is installed in your PATH and has proper permissions.
Specifically, when SSHd into the box, I see that in /usr/lib/postgresql/12
there is no /shared
afaik I have everything needed installed, a bit stuck here and appreciate any input if anyone has seen this issue before