Parallism (test splitting) for android UI-tests


we are currently using the circleci/android@2.2.0 orb for our builds and tests. Our test job takes currently ~22min and CircleCI always approaches us in the web UI to use test splitting. But I’m totally lost on how to use test splitting with an avd configuration.

Do I need multiple avd instances? Is test splitting even supported for convenience commands of the android orb (e.g. start-emulator-and-run-tests)?

This is our test job config:

Instrumented tests for all modules

<<: *android_image_emulator
- *attach_workspace
- prepare_build
- restore_gradle_cache
- android/start-emulator-and-run-tests:
<<: *avd_config
<<: *avd_systemImage
test-command: ./gradlew connectedMockAndroidTest mergeAndroidReports --continue
- store_instrumented_test_artifacts
- cleanup_build

Best regards, Mike

Stumbled into the same issue and surprised to see there are 711 views with no answer to this question.
Have you got the answer to your question @goemic ?