New Ruby Convenience Image Public Beta

Hey Everyone,

For those who don’t know, we at CircleCI maintain a fleet of Docker images, which we call Convenience Images, for various languages and databases. These images are designed to run your CI environment.

The Docker build system we are using is old and complicated so we’ve been designing a new suite of images. This of course includes a new Ruby image.

If you’re already using CircleCI to build/test/deploy your Ruby project (or want to), we’d love it if you could try out our new image. The image is cimg/ruby with the tag being a Ruby version such as 2.6.5 or 2.5.

It’s all open source so you can find the GitHub repo here and the Docker Hub repo here.

We’re looking to:

  1. Provide a Ruby Docker image useful for CI.
  2. Get feedback on if this image is working for your project or if it’s missing something or doing something “wrong” in your opinion.
  3. Get feedback on how this image is working for you if you’re coming from our legacy image, circleci/ruby.

Other Public Beta Images

You can view all of the Next-Gen images that have reached public beta here.

Any questions, please let me know, thanks!

- image: cimg/ruby:<version>-node

Great stuff! Are -browsers variants coming? Also, it seems that libpq is missing, which would be a showstopper for us.

A solution for -browsers is coming in the near future. Trying to work out kinks. If you (or anyone else) have an open source project that relies on the -browsers variant now, get in touch with me. I’d like to ask some questions. =)

As for libppq, people can follow the link above to the GitHub discussion.

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This next-gen Convenience Image is now considered stable! :tada:


  - image: cimg/ruby:2.7.1

Exciting news! Any movement on the browsers variants?

It’s next on our list regarding Convenience Images. Stay tuned to the forum, we’ll be offering up a beta soon.

Just chiming in to say that the pace of improvement here is glacial

You may have already seen this but there’s not a beta: Next-Gen Convenience Image Browsers Variant Beta