Missing checks shown on Github

I have a workflow with 5 jobs:

  • client/install
  • server/install
  • client/lint
  • server/lint
  • client/build

In a recent commit, one of the jobs (server/lint) was failing (See image below)
Seeing as Github wasn’t showing any errors, I remarked that only 3 jobs were shown as checks (See image below). And with the following names: (build, install and lint)

This looks like a bug where job names using slashes would be registered as only the last part (client/install => install) on Github

Who can I contact about this?

Interesting. I’m not sure if this is an issue with us or GitHub.

Can you create a ticket and reference this thread so we can look into this?

Thanks for looking into it. I already created a ticket about this: #52039

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