"Missing AWS CodeDeploy settings for app"

Hey guys. Happy early thanksgiving!

So I’ve been trying to configure CodeDeploy for our builds by following the guide, and I keep getting this error “Missing AWS CodeDeploy settings for app” on the “Create new revision” step of the deployment build section. And that’s the only error message I see. The web console shows the error came from this command:
create_application_revision /tmp/codedeploy_applications.json /tmp/codedeploy_revisions.json
Can anyone direct me to a solution, or just explain a little bit about what this error means? Everything else passed. Thanks you!

Could you please post the deployment section of your circle.yml file where CodeDeploy is configured? It might be missing some parameters—we’ll take a look.

Hey @alexey, thanks for replying! Not a problem, here it is.

branch: temp
      deployment_group: DemoFleet 

I went through the code deploy tutorial, hence the name DemoApplication and DemoFleet. It’s up and running and everything. I also set up the code deploy application-wide settings for the circle project in project settings: region, application root, bucket name, and key pattern.

Could you please try providing all the settings within your circle.yml as suggested here? Just want to check if this could be a bug in availability of the app-wide settings. The complete deployment entry could look like this with all the details:

    branch: development
        application_root: /
          revision_type: S3
            bucket: staging-bucket
            key_pattern: apps/my-app-{SHORT_COMMIT}-{BUILD_NUM}
        region: us-east-1
        deployment_group: staging-instances
        deployment_config: CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce

Sorry for all the trouble here.

Hey @alexey, I moved the applciation wide setting into the circle.yml file and the error disappeared!

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Excellent! Thanks for getting back to me here.

create_application_revision /tmp/codedeploy_applications.json /tmp/codedeploy_revisions.json

am getting the same error , and i have tried almost every method , please help

Hey @rahulvramesh. Have you tried moving the application settings into circle.yml, as opposed to entering it through CirclCI’s web UI? That’s what did the trick for me.

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I too had this problem and changed the circle.yml to specify ALL of the AWS CodeDeploy settings and that worked. I have now:

branch: staging
    application_root: /
      revision_type: S3
        bucket: mys3bucketname
        key_pattern: apps/myappname-{SHORT_COMMIT}-{BUILD_NUM}
    region: eu-west-1
    deployment_group: myappname
    deployment_config: CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce