I’ve have been getting all my builds timing out despite increasing the time to 45 minutes. They normally take 15 minutes. I even reran an old build that worked find but now it is failing also. I tested the command from my computer at the command line and the deploy works fine in 15 minutes. Did something change on circle-ci in the last week or so?
Command that times out: METEOR_PRETTY_OUTPUT=0 ; DEPLOY_HOSTNAME=us-east-1.galaxy-deploy.meteor.com ; METEOR_SESSION_FILE=deployment_token.json meteor deploy ${METEOR_TARGET} --settings settings.json
(https://circleci.com/gh/rbaertsch/case-book-private/188 (timeout - identical to build 179)
https://circleci.com/gh/rbaertsch/case-book-private/179 (successful 12 days ago)