I’m using the cloud foundry orb in one of my workflows. One of the things I was wondering about is if I can label the jobs that I “create” when I use it in my workflow.
Some context:
Currently, I’m using e.g.:
appname: ...
For one, I’d like to give it a more specific name that’s easier to understand when I or someone else is looking at the workflow. This is more a documentation thing, I would like to say “staging deploy” or so, instead of cloudfoundry/push.
The second reason is:
In the end, I am looking to run multiple deployments in a single workflow. I need multiple cloudfoundry/push steps or multiple instances of cloudfoundry/dark_deploy and cloudfoundry/live_deploy (we deploy to multiple CF setups).
It’ll get extra-messy with requires etc. when I need to reference them (e.g. for multiple approves/holds to promote code to different environments).
Any thoughts on how to accomplish this without building my own orb?
$ circleci config process ./.circleci/config.yml
Error: Job 'production_hold' requires 'cloudfoundry/push-1', which is the name of 0 other jobs in workflow 'build_app'
13:27 $ circleci config process ./.circleci/config.yml
Error: Error calling workflow: 'build_app'
Cannot find a definition for job named cloudfoundry/push-1
Got a bit confused with commands and jobs. The Cloud Foundry ORB has a command “push” and a job “push”. The job is a shortcut and wraps the commands “install” and “push”.
Thanks to Scott from CircleCI Support and @iynere on Github for helping me!