Hey there,
I´m new to circleci and I have following problem:
I have a workflow where I am executing the same orb three times. After everything is done, i want to deploy it. Unfortunately I can´t figure out, how I can refer to the builds in the last deploy
step, because all jobs are named aws-ecr/build_and_push_image
Is there a way to give them an explicit name?
Here´s my workflow
- test
- aws-ecr/build_and_push_image:
dockerfile: client/Dockerfile
path: client
repo: foo-client
- aws-ecr/build_and_push_image:
dockerfile: api/Dockerfile
path: api
repo: foo-api
- aws-ecr/build_and_push_image:
dockerfile: nginx/Dockerfile
path: nginx
repo: foo-nginx
- deploy:
- test
- build_1 # how to assign this to first aws-ecr?
- build_2
- build_3