Our company uses CircleCI for our private repository in GitHub organization, and we are facing problem when building a big iOS project on CircleCI.
The job started correctly, but UnitTest job never stop. We get this message after waiting for much time. It seems CircleCI failed to launch iOS simulator for UnitTest.
[02:56:32]: Running Tests: ▸ Touching XXX.xctest (in target 'XXXTests' from project 'YYY')
Too long with no output (exceeded 1h0m0s): context deadline exceeded
Actually, we can use CircleCI for UnitTest job in Xcode 12.5.1 env. There is no error and the job is finished correctly. The difference is Xcode version: 12.5.1 or 13.XXX.
We already tried to change max waiting time to 3 hours, but situation isn’t changed.
Do you know the similar issues or how to investigate this problem to fix?