Initial setup for Android: Cannot install dependencies

I can’t get the first build to finish successfully for my android project. At first I was getting the “permission denied” for gradlew, which was fixed by appending “sudo chmod +x gradlew”. This led to my current error:

chmod: cannot access 'androidDependencies': No such file or directory
Exited with code 1

I was following the steps outline in the following article. I know the obvious answer is that the file actually doesn’t exist, but what should “androidDependencies” be replaced with? This is my first time working with CircleCI, and my first time working with any CI software at all, so if this is an easy fix I apologize! Thanks for your help.

I finally resolved the issue! I simply replaced the following line from my config.yml file from:

command: sudo chmod +x gradlew ./gradlew dependencies


command: |
        sudo chmod +x gradlew 
        ./gradlew dependencies