Increase Parallelism on Mac Builds


We’re on the Growth plan and we run builds on macOS.

There’s a job for running e2e tests with a parallelism of 3. It works very well. But we cannot increase the parallelism above 3. Is there a reason why it is restricted to 3 concurrent executors per job?

The Growth plan says our concurrency limit is 7x.

Hi @mikeborozdin welcome to the CircleCI Community! Just checking-in regarding this post, are you still experiencing issues with Parallelism? Running a job at 3x parallelism will count as 3 of your 7 available containers. If you attempt to run more than 2 jobs at 3x parallelism, your succeeding jobs will queue until available containers are ready for use.

Please create a Support Ticket and share a build link if this issue persists, thanks!