There seem to be an issue with local runners and using the orb-tools/pack to manage orb.
The circle-cli isn’t coming for the provided image.
For exemple:
- image: circleci/circleci-cli:0.1.26646 # same version provided by offical orb
resource_class: "local_runner"
- orb-tools/pack:
executor: base-executor
filters: *filters
Will fail informing use that is it missing subcommand orb
in the circleci command line.
Using a pre-steps listing the version and location of the cricleci-cli is giving us these info:
version: Build Agent version: 1.0.208753-df883b00
Built: 2023-11-06T16:39:54+0000
Location: /home/circleci/.local/bin/circleci/circleci
So basicly it isn’t using the cli provided by the image, but the one from the agent runner / cita…
A quick look that in the container is giving use the information:
ls /home/circleci/.local/bin/circleci/
circleci -> /home/circleci/.local/bin/circleci/circleci-agent
Also, it seem that the $PATH
is alter. It will include at first position the location of the circleci binary alias from the agent …
There is no way to use this orb with a local runner.
Help needed.