Salut, I’m CI beginner and I’m trying to set up a Dockerfile and docker-compose from the circleCI/android image for create a custom docker image, for use in development, I mean that before, I’ve created a custom image in docker to develop with react for example, I can connect the port of the container with a port of my pc and see the project running in the browser, how can I do the same for an android project, I would like to see the changes that are made in an android project in an emulator. I want to have all the necessary tools to develop with android like the sdk in a image, and share this image with my team for everyone to work on the same image in docker and “see” the changes as I do for web projects.
A simple example for a Dockerfile web
FROM node:alpine
COPY ["package.json", "yarn.lock", "/usr/src/app/"]
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN yarn install
COPY [".", "/usr/src/app"]
CMD ["yarn", "start"]
A simple example for a docker-compose web
version: "3"
container_name: react-dev
context: .
dockerfile: build/Dockerfile
- .:/usr/src/app
- /usr/src/app/node_modules
- 3000:3000
- 9229:9229
command: yarn start
- NODE_ENV=development
In this way I can see the changes in development reflected in my browser. How I can do this in a android project, I would like to see the changes reflected in my emulator for example. I think it would be something like that:
FROM circleci/android:api-23
# code
How would the dockerfile and docker-compose be for this type of project. I posted this on Stack Overflow, and didn’t get an answer. Here is the link