How can we publish pytest results to circleci using allure reports

Hi Folks, I am currently running my pytests on docker image in circle ci and trying to generate the reports using allure framework. But i am running into the following exception

Generating report to temp directory…
Report successfully generated to /tmp/3776919954259088948/allure-report
Starting web server…
2020-10-16 19:39:48.747:INFO::main: Logging initialized @1460ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The BROWSE action is not supported on the current platform!

All i need is to be able to display allure reports on circle instead of JunitXml reports (which doesnot give much details. )


  1. Is there a command to just generate the report and not display in the UI
  2. I understand Allure is a 3rd party tool, Can we atleast display a link to Allure reports on circle ci ?

Below is code snippet of how i am installing Allure and running the test results

I - allure/install
- run:
name: allure pytest installation
command: |
sudo pip install allure-pytest

pytest -v -s -m Smoketest --alluredir="/home/circleci/project/Smoketest-resultsdir"
allure serve /home/circleci/project/Smoketest-resultsdir


I am following up on older tickets that were not replied to in the past in the hope of helping people who run into this issue.

There is a third party orb available for the allure framework, at the bottom of each of our orbs you will be able to find the source code that is used to make up the orb itself.

The orb can be found here: CircleCI Developer Hub - ayte/allure

You can either use the orb or take parts of the code and use them within your own config.yml

If you need any further assistance please feel free to email our support team here:

Kind Regards
Owen Oliver