Our Angular build job is giving a “Exit status 137”, I think this is out of memory. So I increased the --max_old_space_size from 4096 to 6144, on a medium+ resource class, but it still fails. I’m able to build the Angular app on my local machine with max_old_space_size = 4096. The changes made to the app is relatively small and the build has been running up till now, without any problems.
My config file:
anchor_1: &job_defaults
working_directory: ~/dir
- image: circleci/node:10
NODE_OPTIONS: --max_old_space_size=6144
and the job
<<: *job_defaults
resource_class: medium+
- checkout
- attach_workspace:
at: ~/dir
- run:
name: set build number
command: npm run update:version
- run:
name: angular-build
command: npm run build:staging
- persist_to_workspace:
root: .
- ./dist
Can someone confirm that the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable is applied correct? I think it is rather difficult to tjeck that it is used!
Other suggestions to get back on track is very much appreciated, thanks in advance.
Best regard\Mads Mønster