Docker Hub unauthorized error

I am encountering an authentication error while trying to pull an image from DockerHub and spin it up

Build-agent version 1.0.251721-615cf42f (2024-09-25T15:40:06+0000).
System information:
 Server Version: 24.0.9
 Storage Driver: overlay2
  Backing Filesystem: xfs
 Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
 Cgroup Version: 1
 Kernel Version: 5.15.0-1057-aws
 Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
 OSType: linux
 Architecture: x86_64

Starting container cimg/node:20.13.1
Warning: No authentication provided, using CircleCI credentials for pulls from Docker Hub.
  image cache not found on this host, downloading cimg/node:20.13.1

Error response from daemon: Head "": unauthorized: incorrect username or password
1 Like

We are experiencing the same error as well

Starting container cimg/node:18.20.1
Warning: No authentication provided, using CircleCI credentials for pulls from Docker Hub.
  image cache not found on this host, downloading cimg/node:18.20.1

Error response from daemon: Head "": unauthorized: incorrect username or password

Starting container cimg/base:stable
Warning: No authentication provided, using CircleCI credentials for pulls from Docker Hub.
image is cached as cimg/base:stable, but refreshing…

Error response from daemon: Head “htt ps://”: unauthorized: incorrect username or password

Hey folks, sorry about that. We got confirmation from DockerHub earlier today that they had an issue that caused this. From DockerHub: “Confirming that we saw intermittent login/auth failures on our end. The root cause has been fixed.”

Reach out if you are still seeing any issues.

Hello Sebastian, we’re experiencing the following error:

Error response from daemon: Head "": unauthorized: incorrect username or password

These should be public images and we’re confused because you mentioned the issue was fixed. Let me know if there’s any more details you need!